The Race Of Life

Privilege is often invisible to those who have it

Students lined up in a field

Yesterday my husband shared this video with me as I was preparing to lead the Inclusion Beyond Diversity event in Orlando. I immediately included it in the program and played it publicly last evening. The room fell silent - some cried.

As I’ve studied privilege over the past year, I’ve noticed that the topic seems to provoke a particularly strong reaction. The conversation often devolves into the other person sharing all the hardships and challenges they have overcome – therefore everyone should just suck it up and get over it. It appears we have become masters at focusing on our challenges and remaining blind to whatever advantages we may enjoy. In fact, privilege is often invisible to those who have it. I had never given it much thought until I stumbled upon Unpacking the Knapsack of White Privilege by Peggy McIntosh – something I recommend everyone read.

As we continue to work toward finding common ground, perhaps taking a moment to ponder the question of privilege and advantage could lead us to a new level of empathy for one another. I’ll leave to you to consider.

-Susan Elliott-Rink, CEO

Please take a few moments to watch this impactful video.


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